Disney has a rich tradition of what they term "plussing". Plussing is the act of taking an idea and making it better. Coupled with their extreme level of detail, plussing is a major part of the formula that makes Disney magic. It is what pushes Disney to take everything they do to the next level. However, does that mean they always get it right? We have taken a look back at several Walt Disney World attractions that were "plussed" over time to determine if "plussing" is always a positive; and will introduce them in a series of posts.

The attraction opened with Walt Disney World in 1971. In 1997, the attraction reopened as the Enchanted Tiki Room, "Under New Management". The addition of Iago (Aladdin) and Zazu (Lion King) had many hard core Disney fans screaming fowl (OK, bad pun). Nevertheless, for many, the new management took away some of the Tiki Room's enchantment. Even the pre-show, featuring the voice of the late Phil Hartman wasn't as popular. Most would say this "plussing" of an attraction was more of a "subtracting".
Alas, there is hope for those die-hard fans! In January 2011 a small fire broke out in the attic of the attraction, severely damaging Iago (that's what he gets for messing with the Tiki gods). Disney has taken the opportunity to refurbish the show and return it to the original attraction. This is scheduled to re-open in August 2011.
To watch a video of the Enchanted Tiki Room, Under New Management, click the following link:
Let us know what you think. Are the attraction changes always positive? Add your comments below!
It's nice that they're trying to get it back to the original, but I suspect that it won't be like the original. I believe it will also be a shortened version of the original show. The whole point to placing the show "under new management" was to get more people through the show. I also suspect it was not so much the fire involving Iago, and more likely Godfrey's downturn in popularity after the jokes he made about the Japanese eartquakes which resulted in the show re-do.